New Customer Information
As a new water user or builder, we welcome you to the District and hope this information will be helpful. If you have any questions / and or concerns, please feel free to contact our office. We will do everything we can to answer any of your questions.
The Public Water Supply District No. 1 of Greene County has been serving this district since 1963. Thanks to many volunteers whom shared their time, labor, and wisdom to make this Water District what it is today, we are very proud to still be able to maintain and serve this District in a manner the original founders intended.
Our District consists of a Board of Directors, Managers, Clerks, and Laborers. Our Board of Directors meets at this office on the third Tuesday of every month at 6:30 p.m. These meetings are open to the public, and if anyone wishes to address an issue, please call the office 1 (one) week in advance so that you can be placed on the agenda. We have a “Public Notice” sign in a front window where all agendas for upcoming meetings are placed.
This office is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. If we are closed or unable to answer the phone, we do have an answering machine to leave a message. In case of an emergency there are phone numbers on our outgoing message so you may contact an employee for help. These same emergency numbers are also placed on the door to our office. Our office does observe most legal holidays.
Public Water Supply District No. 1 of Greene County is in compliance with the newest rules and regulations established by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Missouri Department of Natural Resources (DNR) pertaining to the Safe Drinking Water Act and lead content in water. We send 10 samples per month to the DNR laboratory for testing. These samples are taken randomly from locations throughout the District.
PWSD # 1 also prepares a Consumer Confidence Report (CCR) annually to notify the public of all constituents found in our drinking water and what levels of each constituent is allowable with the Department of Natural Resources. Anyone interested in obtaining a copy of our CCR Report may come by our office and pick one up. There is no charge for the report. Please call to notify us about any concerns you have with your water or your bill. We try to work with our customers and keep open lines of communication.
All new customers must sign a customer application and are required to pay a deposit. This deposit varies depending on whether the customer is a resident or a builder/contractor.
Residential Deposit $200.00
Builder / Contractor Deposit $200.00
Deposits are applied to the final bill for service when you move from the District. Any remaining balance of the water deposit is refunded by mail.